Legal information


À l'Ombre Bleue
Catherine Forget - 22 rue de la mare - Les Pâtis 78125 Mittainville, France / +33 (0)1 34 85 04 73 | +33 (0)6 37 50 91 51

Company name: Affaire personnelle | SIRET : 753 558 220 000 12 | N° TVA : FR 44 753558220

Publication director

Guest & Strategy
22, rue de la mare 78125 Mittainville / +33 (0)1 34 94 35 90 | +33 (0)6 78 86 19 94

Development & Webdesign

Fabien Herlédan


2, rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, France |


Copyright and intellectual property According to the law of March 11, 1957 (art.41) and the code of intellectual property of July 1, 1992, the website (texts, graphics, photographs, etc.) constitutes a work protected in France by the Code of Intellectual Property, and abroad by the international conventions on copyright in force.

Personal data

In application of the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms, the Net surfer has the right of opposition (art. 26 of the law), access (art. 34 to 38 of the law) and of correction. To exercise this right you can contact :

A l’Ombre Bleue
22 rue de la mare – Les Pâtis
78125 Mittainville
+33(0)1 34 85 04 73
Or by email : catherine[at]


The presence of hypertext links to other websites does not engage the responsibility of A l’Ombre Bleue. These links are there only as an indication.