GPS Coordinates : Latitude : 48.6657835 – Longitude : 1.6228454
By road
- RN-10 (Paris-Chartes-Vendôme-Bordeaux line)
- RN-12 (Paris-Dreux-Alençon line)
By motorway
From Lille or Belgium (North) : 3h15 min
A2 followed by A1 (From Brussels, Lille to Paris via Amiens), scroll down to Paris, take the Boulevard Périphérique Ouest. Go through Porte Maillot, then thake the Rouen exit. Continue on the N12 towards Dreux for 30 min and exit onto the D199 Gambais, Grosouvre, Millemont and Garancières. Now you’ll go through a lot of small villages : Gambais, Bourdonné, Condé-sur-Vesgres, La Boissière-Ecole then Mittainville.
From Nantes (West) : 3h30 min
A11 (From Nantes via Angers, Le Mans and Chartres), take exit n°3 Chartres Centre and continue on the N10, then on the N123 direction Rouen, Dreux and Maintenon. Go through Maintenon where you will see on your right the beautiful Château de Maintenon, you’re just 10 minutes from “A l’Ombre Bleue”. Once out of Maintenon, turn left onto the D101, 5 in the direction of Saint-Martin-de-Nigelles. After leaving Saint-Martin-de-Nigelles, turn left towards Saint-Lucien then Mittainville. You’re at the B&B of Charm of L’Ombre Bleue which are waiting for you…
From Strasbourg (East) : 5h30 min
A4 and A350 (from Strasbourg via Saverne, Metz, Verdun, Reims and Paris), Take l’autoroute de l’Est about 470km to the Périphérique of A86 in Paris direction Bordeaux, Nantes and Lyon for 29 km then take the N12 towards Rouen and Dreux. Exit onto the D199 Gambais, Grosouvre, and Millemont Garancières. Now you’ll go through a lot of small villages : Gambais, Bourdonné, Condé-sur-Vesgre, La Boissiere-Ecole then Mittainville.
From Bordeaux (South-West) : 5h30 min
A-10 (From Bordeaux via Niort, Poitiers, Tours, Blois and Orleans), take exit n°11 (Etampes, Rambouillet and Allainville) and continue on the N191 via Allainville, Orsonville then Rambouillet.
Arrived in Rambouillet, you’re just 15 minutes from the guesthouse. Take direction Gazeran. Output Gazeran, turn right onto the D80 and continue for 10km. Once out of the Locality “Villeneuve”, turn left onto the D71, the signboard Mittainville unfolds, just 2km to reach the village pond Mittainville of the Pâtis where your hostess Catherine waits for you.
By train
- Train from Paris Montparnasse station to Epernon: 45 min.
- Train from Chartres to Epernon: 20 min.
Tel. 0892 35 35 35 –
The hostess can even pick you up at the station Epernon on arrival if you wish.
By plane
Aérodrome of Paris :
- Orly to Mittainville : 70 km
- Roissy-Charles de Gaulle to Mittainville: 90 km
Information: 01 48 62 12 12 –